Here are Dan and Kim's new Husky pups, Kayuq and Toby. This was the best picture I could get of them together since they are usually wrestling or running. Notice the expert carpentry of the dog house entrance that I cut for Dan with my circular saw.
Here's Laura with our (neighbour's) dog Arcpiq. We took this guy for many walks and Laura is enjoying trying to keep him still. Arcpiq really enjoys bitting Laura's mitts. Unfortunately, Arcpiq has moved to Iqaluit with his owner. He was a great dog!
Even cats need to stay warm in the Arctic!
Kayuq was able to sit still long enough so I could snap this pic. The dogs were fed with seal as pups and smell really bad. Dan and Kim gave them baths so they are smelling much better these days.
This orange igloo was built behind our school. Scarlett, a photographer from Holland, hired some elders to build the igloo and then dyed the blocks orange.