Steve fishing with Marty's snowmachine in sight. We had the lake to ourselves for most of the time on Monday.
We went to the lake with a good group. Steve, Marty and Ellen, Jay, Bob, Dean and Leah and Laura and myself all made the trip out. I finally thought there was enough snow to take the four wheeler out to the lake. You can see Jay's 3 fish beside the right side of the snowmachine.
Laura taking a picture with the fish I caught. I missed two fish that day and only caught one. Look at the snow "fly" by Laura in the picture. We decided to leave shortly after this picture because the weather was starting to turn worse.
When we got home, a couple of us decided to smoke some of the fish. Here are the fillets soaking in the brine.
Jay and Steve placing the racks on the smoker. Marty shipped up a Little Chief smoker and it is doing a great job.
Jay placing some fillets on the racks. We fit about 6 of the fish on the racks.
I checked on the smoking midway through to make sure everything was going well. We used some cherry, hickory and sugar maple chips. The fish tastes good except for Jay's fish. He removed the skin before smoking and his fish ended up absorbing an insane amount of salt during the soak in the brine.
The Little Chief smoker is inside. Last year, I built an insulated box so we could continue to smoke during the winter. Without the box, the smoker gets too cold and won't smoke the fish properly. I parked the ATV outside and used the inside of the shed to avoid the wind during the smoking.