Monday, October 8, 2007

setting up the inside

Finally after moving here in late August, our stuff arrived in mid-September. It takes about 2-12 weeks for your stuff to arrive here since it is shipped on a plane. We had moved out of our place July 30th, so we were anxiously awaiting its arrival. Before our stuff arrived, we were eating from 2 plates, we each had a fork, knife and spoon and our selection of cookware was limited to camping pots and a kettle.

Here I am covered in a pile of boxes. All of our stuff arrived while we were at school one day and we couldn't even get into our place. We spent a whole night just unwrapping our stuff and left a garbage pile outside the size of a half ton truck!

This is what our living room finally looks like. It took a lot of work but it finally feels like home. Notice the swedish inspired designs (IKEA) and the bookcase on the left side holds our small collection of local carvings.

1 comment:

amy johnson said...

Hey guys!!

So great to see you have a blog! Your pad looks really nice and I am sure you were really glad to get food. Your pics look just like the blogs we checked out last year :0) I am so excited to hear about all your adventures. How is school??