On the weekend, we took advantage of the "warm" weather and went for a snowmobile ride to Avaajaa. It is an island about a 1 hour drive away from Igloolik.

The group is getting ready to go. Laura and I, Marty and Ellen, Dan and Kim, Kayuq and Toby (the two dogs), Larissa and Paul all went on the trip.

About half of the way there, we stopped for a break to let the dogs stretch their legs.

That is when we noticed that Dan's snowmachine was on fire! Marty and Dan quickly put out the fire before it spread.

Here I am enlarging the hole in the side of his sled so that the burned plastic would no longer touch his muffler.

Laura and Marty posing for a pic.

The group photo. This was the best effort we could make to get the dogs to settle down.

Laura and myself in front of a huge piece of ice that had broken upwards.

Our principal Paul posing for a pic while we were climbing up the mountain. You can just see our snowmachines in the background.

The long trek up the mountain, K2 style!

Nice to see some mountains for once!

A little pool of melted/slushy salt water.

Laura posing with Kayuq and Toby. The dogs are much bigger now that they are older. They are now trained to pull Dan and Kim around town on skis.