Tuesday, April 29, 2008

10th Annual Nunavut Quest

Monday afternoon was the beginning of the dog sled races. They left Igloolik around noon on their way to the finish line in Arctic Bay. The trip will last about 10 days with each team travelling about 50 kilometres between camps. There are over $60,000 dollars in prizes with the winner taking $15,000.

All of the community showed up on the ice to see the start of the dog sled race.

A musher standing beside his dogs with a whip to keep them relaxed before the race begins.

Two young boys from town holding up the starting gate sign.

An elder watching the crowd before the race while enjoying his trusty corncob pipe.

A team relaxing before the race. The female (standing up) gave birth to a litter last week and is already racing.

Joey, a hockey player on my team, is anxiously awaiting for his race to start. Joey is also the musher who brought my parents on a dog sled ride.

A team taking off from the starting gate. Sometimes, one dog would fall and get dragged for a few feet before regaining his balance.

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