Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Arctcirq performance

Last night, Laura and I went to see Arctcirq. It is a circus troup from town that has members from the highschool. This circus travels all around the world performing and demonstrating Inuit traditions to other cultures. The storyline is based on traditional Inuit situations. This year, the group travelled to visit the Tuareg in the Sahara desert. Next month, they are heading to Europe to perform.

This scenario of the performance involved four hunters being approached by a polar bear inside their tent. The polar bear suit was amazing.

Troup leader Guillaume hosting up one of the Inuit performers.

Another feat of strength by both individuals.

One of the performers using the silks. He twirled and fell all the way down these silks, always stopping right before the floor.

His final descent down the silks before retiring for the night.

Another display of balance and power.

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