Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Land trip with students

Marty and I took our grade 8 classes to Avvaaja on Wednesday for their class field trip. We spent all day out on the ice and had a lot of fun. Here is a small collection of photos. I tried to omit pictures with students.

Some locals riders doing some hill climbs.

Our janitor, Louie, chiseling out an ice hole for fishing. This is a picture of him in our 2nd hole. We never broke through to the water. We started this hole after lunch and we ran out of time.

This was our first hole. We broke through over 6 feet of ice. It took almost 3 hours to get through.

This is what the hole looked like when the water started rushing in.

Alvin, our guide and SSA at the school, took Marty and I to search for ptarmigans (little birds like partridge). We didn't have any luck spotting any but it was fun driving around the tops of the hills on big rocks.

When Alvin went out earlier that morning, he had better luck and shot 5 birds. He donated them to some elders in town.

Kids had fun sliding down the hills.

A picture of base camp from the top of the hill. We had 6 snowmachines and we each towed a sled.

I got the "thumbs up" from Alexandra for a good trip!

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