Here is the boat parked in the bay. The ship was so loaded this year that it had to park about 1 mile further from shore than last year. We had to take this picture from a boat to get a good view.
Our crates were stamped as usual. This will be a new sign for the shed I built.
I was glad to finally unpack the ATV. We have been using it everyday and it makes going home at lunch much easier until we can use our snowmachine again.
Here are the 2 crates we had shipped. One had the "beverages" and the ATV while the other crate had all of our food. We shipped a lot of stuff this year!
Marty and I opening up his crate with his ATV. This crate gave us a little bit of trouble and needed to be broken into pieces.
The group of people making the line to pass stuff into people's houses. Everyone goes house to house and unloads the crate into your house. We started unloading at around 4:30 and finished around 9:00. It was a lot of lifting but it is still much easier than doing it yourself.
Once your crate is unloaded, your living room kind of looks like the storage room of a Food Basics. We were so tired that we didn't put anything away until the next day.
This is one of our storage pantries. We have two other pantries that are also completely packed. It is nice to have an abundance of food again. We also received our frozen food order and we have 2 freezers completely full of food!!!
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