Sunday, September 28, 2008

The snow is here!

It's been a snowy week and it is finally here to stay. We woke up Thursday morning to the sound of snowmachines going down the road. Here are a couple of pics of the white blanket that will be here until June.

First snowmachine ride of the year: Friday, September 26th.

I had a little bit of shoveling to do before we could get in the sauna the next day. We took a sauna the night before during the storm and FROZE when we went outside because the wind was so cold! The windows in a lot of peoples house whistled all night.

A view down the street. Marty's machine is out and running.

I got a little stuck when I tried to go over the snowbank on the quad. I had to dig myself out because I couldn't get any traction on the soft, wet snow. But don't worry, it is now frozen rock solid.

I love my toys!

Finally got around to shoveling the snow in front of the sauna.

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